Re: [guide-user] Re: Downloading data on WinXP machines?

Bernd Brinkmann Dec 12, 2001

Hello Guide-users,

> > At 09:32 11.12.2001 Bernd Brinkmann wrote:
> > >In the task manager I see the processes GET_DSS.EXE as many
> > >times as I start them, but nothing happens. GSC22.EXE is only
> started
> > >once even when I try this function several times.
> >
> > Hi Folks,
> > this problem was discussed on this list on November 16 th, 2001 and
> > promptly solved by Bill the same day - see below and follow Bill's
> > instructions.

sorry, I have been in Florida for the Leonid storm (which was great by
the way) at that time and afterwards didn't read the digest carefully

Clear skies

Bernd Brinkmann
Herne, Germany