Re: Downloading data on WinXP machines?

brianadams86 Dec 11, 2001

--- In guide-user@y..., Jan Manek <jan.manek@w...> wrote:
> At 09:32 11.12.2001 Bernd Brinkmann wrote:
> >In the task manager I see the processes GET_DSS.EXE as many
> >times as I start them, but nothing happens. GSC22.EXE is only
> >once even when I try this function several times.
> Hi Folks,
> this problem was discussed on this list on November 16 th, 2001 and
> promptly solved by Bill the same day - see below and follow Bill's
> instructions.
> Jan Manek
> On November 16, 2001 wrote Brian Adams:
> >When I issue the DSS from Internet command, either by clicking on
> >the toolbar button, or from the DSS/RealSky dialog box Get_DSS.exe
> >seems to run and then hangs. *snip*

Greetings folks,

Jan is right in that my problem (and his too I believe) with Get
DSS.exe was solved by Bill the same day. A much belated THANKS BILL!!!

However, I think that this may be a different problem, since Bill is
the one who asked folks to check this out in his original post. His
concern was with Windows XP primarily.

Brian Adams