Re: [guide-user] BMP

Jan van Gijsen Dec 4, 2001

Hi Denis,

My video driver is a Hercules 3D prophet geforce 2MX (32 Mb) about 8 months old and I find the same. In 16 bit colour mode there no problem, in 32 bit mode I get a strange image (it's all white when I look at it in MSPAINT, in Corel Photopaint 9 it's black and white and a lot of detail missing)
To copy parts of windows from one application to another you can also use a screen capture programm. Free versions are
available on different download sites.

clear skies.


----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: Denis Boucher
Aan: Guide-user
Verzonden: dinsdag 4 december 2001 5:09
Onderwerp: [guide-user] BMP

It appears I can't produce a bmp using 32 bit colour display setting. I saw
a post a few days ago on this topic. Has this been a common problem. I
upgraded my motherboard and cpu lately but not my video card. New driver has
been installed. I would believe the video driver is the problem but not sure
at this point. Has anyone else encountered the same problem? In the 16 bit
mode, I get an excellent bmp image.


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