Re: [guide-user] Problem with "make BMP"-function

James Ellis Nov 29, 2001

Phillipe -

I simply do a screen dump of the Guide screen to work around any probs with
the Make BMP func.
Press Print Screen on your KeyBoard or use the screen capture function in
Paint Shop Pro. Saves as a Jpeg which is good for web use.

I use printscreen for a number of uses including showing clients storyboards
or the websites I am building for them.



I'm a frequent user of the "make BMP"-function.
Now I'm having some graphical problems, since I changed my Display Adapter.

Now I can only choose between 16 bits-color and 32 bit.
1) In 32 bit-mode the BMP-files can't be seen or recognized (neather by
graphic software nor by DTP-stuff)
2) in 16 bit-mode, the colors of the resulting BMP's are completely
wrongand the resulting image is quite ugly.

Until now I was using a 24 bits-display (on a Matrox-card), but my new
ATI-card doesn't allow 24 bit.

Is there a known fix for this?


P.S.: have a look at for our
live-webcast of tomorrow-night's Saturn-occultation (if weather permits)

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