Re: [guide-user] Strange star color problem. Nov 28, 2001
Richard Newman expressed concern over Albireo A's color changing from orange to
white when zooming from level 6 to 7 in Guide 7, as well as the B component not
appearing blue at any level.
I'd hazard a guess that the color is being set via spectral type (the A
component seems to be variously classified as one of several flavors of K).
Orange is not the color I see when I look at the real star (gold is), but most K
stars do appear orange, so the color orange would seem to be a "best fit"
As far as the colors cutting off when you zoom to level 7: that's a general
thing, not just for Albireo. I believe it applies to all stars in Guide. I
figured that's just the way Bill chose to code it.
Grant Blair
Moorestown, NJ