Re: [guide-user] TDF-file for double star observers. No more need for DOS ?

Jan van Gijsen Nov 27, 2001

Hi Oliver and all guides,
This is a good solution for this problem. I used to write simple and small Qbasic program's (1988 version in DOS) to manipulate the WDS catalog en place the result under the original name in the guide directory. Works great but probably only after a full harddisk install. 
Another thing I quite often do is making downloads from USNO A2.0 ( don't have the CD's). Because downloading is limited, I get a couple of out######.bin files. I combine this file into a single A10.DAT bij the DOS command:
copy/b out*.bin A10.dat 
and copy the new A10.dat to guide7 dir. Works OK, but the only disavantage is that overlapping selection get you duplicates. Does anyone know the way to append (binary) files in a windows environment without using DOS ?
Or is there a superior solution for this problem? Please let me know !
By the way: is there ever going to be a windows version of Charon (or an intergrated version in guide# )?
Clear skies.
N.B what a could do after upgrading to windows XP: boot from a DOS-floppy ones in a while to do the tricks (and call this progress :-))
---- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: Oliver Kloes
Aan: Guide-User
Verzonden: maandag 26 november 2001 10:16
Onderwerp: [guide-user] TDF-file for double star observers

Hi all,

Bill has added one more TDF-file at his "extra" page. With this file you can
create your own observing list of double stars.

More Information at:

Clear skies,


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