Joe Mize Nov 26, 2001
> Hi folks,--
> There were two problems with the LX-200 reference stars. As Oliver
> pointed out, it needed the 'go to spaces' command. It was also looking
> for the reference star number, not the common name such as Algenib.
> I've fixed both problems, and re-posted the LX200.ZIP file on the Web
> site. Go to
> and you can download the revised file. Be aware, though, that if
> you just want to "go to" a star by its common name, it will usually
> make more sense to click on "Go To... Object Name", then enter (for
> example) "Algenib".
> Oliver has also provided an update to the extrasolar planets dataset:
> Denis Boucher has provided files for the display of globulars in M-31:
> Denis notes that "...many can be seen in a 10-inch scope." If
> anyone knows of lists of globulars in still more galaxies, please
> let me know. It would be easy to extend the above dataset to include
> them, and would cause no real confusion (we'd just rename the
> dataset from "globulars in M31" to "extragalactic globulars".)
> Denis, quite a few people have run into problems with new
> toolbar buttons in Guide. Take a look here:
> for info and the fix. (Basically, you just get a new TOOLBAR.DAT.)
> Andrea Pelloni asked about having Guide behave "sensibly" when you
> use "Save a Mark" with an existing mark name. Once upon a time, Guide
> would create a mark with that name, but not remove the old one. You
> would then go to "Load a Mark" and see two marks, the old one and the
> new one, both with the same name. However, I fixed this a few months
> ago. Guide should now do the Right Thing. Create a mark named "Eddie",
> for example, then do assorted things and use "Save a Mark" with the
> name "Eddie" again, and the first should be replaced by the second.
> Ned Smith asked about setting a limiting star magnitude in DOS Guide.
> In Windows Guide, you can go into the Star Display dialog and set it
> directly. In DOS Guide, you have to hit '+' to get more stars (deeper
> limiting mag) or '-' to get fewer stars. There is no way to enter a
> numerical limiting star mag, unfortunately. (As you may have noticed,
> DOS Guide has undergone almost no improvements to its user interface
> over the last few years.)
> Alexander Gruener pointed out a source for elevation data for the
> moon. I played around with this a while ago. Its only drawback is a
> lack of detail. Even major craters are usually just barely visible.
> Guide can show up to three different "maps" per planet. In Guide 8,
> one of those will be a false-color view derived from this elevation
> dataset. It actually looks pretty good for a full-disk view. Zoom in
> much beyond that, and it begins to fall apart.
> -- Bill
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