Of several things

Bill J. Gray Nov 25, 2001

Hi folks,

There were two problems with the LX-200 reference stars. As Oliver
pointed out, it needed the 'go to spaces' command. It was also looking
for the reference star number, not the common name such as Algenib.
I've fixed both problems, and re-posted the LX200.ZIP file on the Web
site. Go to


and you can download the revised file. Be aware, though, that if
you just want to "go to" a star by its common name, it will usually
make more sense to click on "Go To... Object Name", then enter (for
example) "Algenib".

Oliver has also provided an update to the extrasolar planets dataset:


Denis Boucher has provided files for the display of globulars in M-31:


Denis notes that "...many can be seen in a 10-inch scope." If
anyone knows of lists of globulars in still more galaxies, please
let me know. It would be easy to extend the above dataset to include
them, and would cause no real confusion (we'd just rename the
dataset from "globulars in M31" to "extragalactic globulars".)

Denis, quite a few people have run into problems with new
toolbar buttons in Guide. Take a look here:


for info and the fix. (Basically, you just get a new TOOLBAR.DAT.)

Andrea Pelloni asked about having Guide behave "sensibly" when you
use "Save a Mark" with an existing mark name. Once upon a time, Guide
would create a mark with that name, but not remove the old one. You
would then go to "Load a Mark" and see two marks, the old one and the
new one, both with the same name. However, I fixed this a few months
ago. Guide should now do the Right Thing. Create a mark named "Eddie",
for example, then do assorted things and use "Save a Mark" with the
name "Eddie" again, and the first should be replaced by the second.

Ned Smith asked about setting a limiting star magnitude in DOS Guide.
In Windows Guide, you can go into the Star Display dialog and set it
directly. In DOS Guide, you have to hit '+' to get more stars (deeper
limiting mag) or '-' to get fewer stars. There is no way to enter a
numerical limiting star mag, unfortunately. (As you may have noticed,
DOS Guide has undergone almost no improvements to its user interface
over the last few years.)

Alexander Gruener pointed out a source for elevation data for the
moon. I played around with this a while ago. Its only drawback is a
lack of detail. Even major craters are usually just barely visible.

Guide can show up to three different "maps" per planet. In Guide 8,
one of those will be a false-color view derived from this elevation
dataset. It actually looks pretty good for a full-disk view. Zoom in
much beyond that, and it begins to fall apart.

-- Bill