Re: [guide-user] LX200 Ref Stars

Oliver Kloes Nov 25, 2001

Hi Alan,

I can solve your problem partly.

The problem with entering numbers are the spaces used with the numbers of
the stars in the dat-file. Open the LX200.TDF with an text editor and add
the line:

goto spaces

You have to add this before the END command.
It should work correctly now.

I have looked at the LX200Ref.dat and I think, you can't use the goto
command with the names, because they are added as additional information
But I'm not sure about this. Maybe Bill can explain it better.

I hope, I have helped you.

Clear skies,


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Alan Cahill <alancahill@...>
An: <>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 25. November 2001 12:41
Betreff: [guide-user] LX200 Ref Stars

> Hi Bill and Group,
> I wonder if someone out there could tell me if I am doing something
> wrong?
> I have downloaded the Zip file for the LX200 alignment stars and
> reference stars.
> I unzipped it into the Guide directory, fired up Guide, went to Extras
> and toggled user added data sets. I note that LX200 Alignment and
> Reference Stars are ticked. (Also they are set to display)
> Next I went to GOTO ,TDF object. Clicked on LX200 Reference Stars.. then
> it came up with Enter Object Name.
> So I entered Algenib.. it said Object not found.. so I entered 3 (the
> number of the reference star.. Still Object not found.
> Am I missing something here or doing something wrong?
> Any help would be appreciated
> Best Regards
> Alan
> Alan Cahill
> Gloucester U.K.
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