SAVE MARK little change
Andrea Pelloni Nov 21, 2001
I would like to add a minimal request, I hope.
Is it possible to have the "SAVE MARK" able to substitute the
previous one with some different setting, without having to save it
with a different name?
I'll try to explain with my bad English: I have many marks, one for
winter time setting and one for summer setting, and for both Minor
Planets work and normal sky features work, and so on. Due to the
fact that you make many additions to GUIDE, most of them very
interesting and desiderable to be added to some or all the marks, I
have to change the setting of i.e. MINPLSUM, and then save it with
a different name, because if I use the same name there will be 2
MINPLSUM marks in the list, so I'll have to cancel the old one.
A minimal feature, surely, but very pleased, at least by me and some
other friend of mine.
Thank you anyhow, as usual.
Andrea Pelloni
157 Frasso Sabino