Hi folks,
I wrote a little .TDF to show the Henden data a while back...
unfortunately, I wrote it and then forgot to add it to the Extras
page. I've just corrected this:
The HENDEN.TDF accessible from that link also shows how many files
can be handled as a single dataset. Somebody mentioned to me (via
private e-mail) that it was annoying to have to handle each sequence
separately in the "Toggle User Datasets" menu. As is shown there,
it doesn't have to be that way; Guide has provisions to treat
multiple files as a single .TDF dataset. (Guide does this simply by
noticing that the "files" listed in the .TDF file all have the same
The sequences have been put into a single file and ZIPped down to
a 5.2 MByte download by Greg Crawford, for use in TheSky. However,
Guide reads the dataset without any real trouble. Links and
instructions as to how to use the data are provided at the above URL.
Owen, about shutting off the DSO symbols but keeping the labels:
you can't do that right now, but the next version I upload (probably in
a day or two) will provide user-settable symbols for such objects, and
you could set the "symbol" to be nothing. (Though it seems to me that
some minor symbol, perhaps a little cross-hair, would be nice.)
One reason I'm holding off on uploading that version is Pat Anway's
comment about odd star sizes. That's a bit of a head-scratcher; I can
think of no good reason for it. I'd like to resolve it before posting
an update.
James, thanks for the .ETB. I should probably compile something
with a long time span... the folks behind _Dance of the Planets_ would
probably object if I used their product to generate it, though!
In answer to your question about the date format: when reading
.ETBs, Guide assumes that the data is in DD/MM/YYYY format, always,
regardless of the machine. As you suggested, this is just to evade
the problem of an event such as "02/07" appearing as 2 July on one
machine and 7 February on another.
-- Bill