Re: [guide-user] Large stars - running Guide7 from harddrive

Bernd Brinkmann Oct 30 2:02 AM


> I am having a problem with Guide 7 when I load it to my harddrive.
> When I run Guide from the CD everything is fine. When I remove the CD and
> run it from the harddrive, the stars are very large and fill the screen. Has
> anyone had this problem and can tell me how to fix it?

you have to edit the file "startup.mar" with an editor. The row with the
index 18 contains the drive letter from wich guide reads its
information. This should be the letter of the hard drive where you have
copied guide.

But when you use the CD version you have to edit the file again.

Clear skies

Bernd Brinkmann
Herne, Germany