Re: Shutting off constellation boundaries

Oliver Kloes Oct 22 4:15 PM

Hi Lawrence,

do you mean the "yellow squares" of the symbol for "nebula"?
Then you have to switch "Messier", NGC+IC" and "Nebulae" off at "Display ...
Data shown" and the squares will vanish.

Clear skies,


> Unfortunately this doesn't work with the large yellow squares that I
> would *really* like to switch off! Any ideas?
> regards
> Lawrence Harris
> >Subject: Shutting off constellation boundaries
> >
> >Hi Mike,
> >
> > A generally useful thing to keep in mind: when you right-click on
> >things in Guide (including constellation boundaries), the "short info"
> >giving basic data about the object will (usually) include a "display"
> >Click on that, and you'll have controls to shut that dataset off, or
> >set the levels at which it's shown, and so forth.