Subject: [guide-user] Satellite common names

Paul Schlyter Oct 22 3:07 PM

> just a question about satellite. I am helping a friend of mine to aim
> his TV dish to a geostationary satellite named EUTELSAT (he told me
> he had read this name in the instruction booklet). I tried with
> Guide7 to locate it but Go To Satellite box can't find this name. I
> opened Geo.tle and Bright.tle files but I saw few common names and a
> lot of NORAD or International Code Number. The question is: where (in
> the Web) can I find a comparative table with both designation (common
> name and code number)? Riccardo Papini

Eutelsat is a European organisation managing a number of
geostationary satellites. There are several Eutelsats in orbit. So
I guess you'd have to ask your friend *which* Eutelsat he's
interested in.

Some more info can be found at:

Paul Schlyter, Swedish Amateur Astronomer's Society (SAAF)
Grev Turegatan 40, S-114 38 Stockholm, SWEDEN
e-mail: pausch at saaf dot se or paul.schlyter at ausys dot se