Oct 13 12:47 PM
--- In guide-user@y..., Laren Dart <ldart@g...> wrote:
> At 12:02 PM 10/13/01 -0500, you wrote:
> >At 12:15 2001-10-13 -0000, you wrote:
> >>I am using guide 7. If I download the latest patch will this
> >>all previous patches back to the the version of guide 7 on my CD?
> >
> > That has been my experience. Each upgrade included all the
goodies that
> >Bill has added/fixed from day one.
> >
> >Bob Elliott
> Can you do an install-over without wiping out installed databases,
i.e. the
> Almagest, or should I continue saving downloads in a Guide
> So far, I have been deleting everything in the main G7 directory
> installing an upgrade, then installing everything else I've d/l.
> this isn't _too_ dumb a question...?)
> Laren
> Some photographs at