Cassini image/auto-mosaic function

Bill J. Gray Sep 4, 2001

Jari, I think that Cassini image is a slightly lower-res version of
one that does come from the CICLOPS site:

...and look down for the "1799 x 600 stills" links. Aside from the
size, they look identical.

The text for the above image claims a resolution of about 600 km.
Elsewhere, images are shown that were generated from a higher-res "map"
(something around 150 km, I think), but the source map isn't provided.
I may attempt to nudge somebody into posting that image.

Matt, I'll have to ponder that "auto-mosaic" function. Now that you
mention it, I'm a little surprised that there isn't anything out there
that does such a thing. Maybe there is, and we've just not heard of it?

It _may_ not be all that tricky, since it fits into some things I've
contemplated doing anyway within Guide, to have it compose an image in
the background. By so doing, I could increase the speed and allow for
auto-color-mosaicing (you take three images in three colors, Charon-ize
them, and Guide shows a resulting full-color image, with the three
images lined up nicely with each other.)

-- Bill