Ephemeris items missing?
arne.lindengard@mailbox.swipnet.se Aug 27, 2001
I miss a few items in the options-box for making a ephemeris. In the
options-box I would like to see also the opportunity to mark the time
for rising, setting and transit for comets, asteroids etc. Thus I
would get the time for rising, setting and transit for comet.
Could it also take into consideration disturbing horizon-objects, as
described by the horizon-profile in Guide 7? May be you have a big
watertower near you in the east, which cuts off some interesting
rising objects. Which you have to wait for some extra hours, after
reaching the mathematical horizon. And thus when the object appears
after occultation by the water-tower, would make a difference.
Am I the only one missing the opportunity to get that information?