Re: [guide-user] Guide - Quasars gone ***And another problem

Oliver Kloes Aug 24, 2001

> Another problem has arisen.
> I can't turn off the Dataset "Wolf-Rayet Stars of Galactic Populations" .
> I did the normal thing, then tried to adjust the field size visibility.
> Nothing was changed.
> Larry

Hi Larry,

as the writer of this TDF-file, I know the problem.

Try this:

Open WR.TDF with a text editor.
Go to the second line: title WR Stars of Galactic Population I (7.
Erase "(7. Catalogue)" so that the line reads only: title WR Stars of
Galactic Population I
Save the changed file.
Now you can turn the cataloge on and off.

I have reported Bill this problem not long ago and he told me he has to find
out why this long title is making problems.
I have sended an updated file (with the changed title line) to Bill already,
but I don't know if he has replaced it on his web side. I think he is really
busy at present.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Clear skies,
