[guide-user] Re: Blinking/lunar features/etc.

Jari Suomela Jan 14, 2000

"bill j. gray" <plut-@...> wrote:

> "...If I am clicking on a variable, there is a option to calculate
> next date of ninima/maxima for this star." I did this, once upon a
> using the epoch and period data from the General Catalogue of Variable
> Stars (GCVS). The problem was that the GCVS is about 30 years old
> and in almost all cases, the predictions were terrible. This isn't a
> hopeless case, though; I can probably get current data for at least
> some variable stars.

That data would also allow Guide to show the star's with dynamically
and realistically changing magnitudes. For periodic variables (e.g.
eclipsing binaries) this would work pretty well but then there are lots
of irregular and semiregular types also. An actual history of the
variation could be shown if Guide had access to AAVSO light-curves.
Perhaps a feature for the DVD edition:-)

One thing you should consider, however, is to have some variables
plotted at their minimum instead of maximum. It isn't very informative
to show these stars at maximum light when in reality they predominantly
are close to minimum - S Andromedae, novae, dwarf novae, UV Ceti's for
example. And yes, I know there's already an option to make this happen.
