Double stars/nutation accuracy

Bill J. Gray Aug 12, 2001

Owen, about double-star catalog(ue)s and display: Yes, Guide 8 will
have WDS-2000 in place of the WDS-1996 that I used for Guide 7. It will
also have CCDM on it.

Stephen, I am really not too sure of the time scale for which the
nutation formulae are accurate. But I can guarantee that by the time of
a full precessional cycle of 25000-odd years, worse problems crop up.

describes some of them. The nutation algorithm comes from Meeus,
and is a truncated version of the IAU theory of nutation. The source
code is available as part of the 'basic astronomical source code' at

It may be totally off for such distant dates (though I don't know
that this is so). But you wouldn't really be able to tell, because
the maximum error that would contribute would be about an arcminute;
errors in obliquity and precession would swamp that.

-- Bill