H.G.Lindberg Aug 3, 2001
A Example:
"You are visual observing TW LYR you set the field view to 1 degree,
click on button "v" and you get a red ring around the surrounding
stars that you can use as comparing stars for visual observations of
I know that this example is very difficult to add to a software it
takes a hell of work research for to get the data.
But is it possible to add a option where the user can mark
surrounding stars with a ring or other symbol (as use this star as
comparing star for visual observations)?
And also a possibility for to edit the magnitudes for stars(or all
Why i want it , because it is error in all catalogues and chart
special in the AAVSO Charts .
And if i get a software with this possibility i gone get started to
research,edit and add all data for comparing stars in to it (i guess
its gone take the rest of my life :o)).