Comet Linear and Guide

Roger Curry Jul 10, 2001

Greetings, fellow observers.

Last night, a friend in Bolivia sent me an observation report
on come Linear A2 and included a photo and a location of
the comet at the time.

The comet is centered at 0h 24m 40s, S 2.529 degs.
Level 5, 10 degrees, July 2 at 2 a.m. is a pretty good match
of the field.

In the photo, the brightest stars shown are around 6th
mag, a couple marginally brighter. One of the brightest
stars on the photo has no corresponding star shown in
Guide 7.0. I regret to say that I do not have immediate
access to my Uranametria or Sky Atlas, but it is certainly
bright enought to be plotted in either one of those.

Does the GSC miss stars that are that bright? Shouldn't
YBS pick it up even if GSC omitted it? I check for DSO's,
thinking it might be a bright globular, but there is nothing
shown in that area.

I made a screen capture from Guide and anotated it.
I changed the background color to approximate the color
of the original photo, and I cropped it to just about the
same size.

Both the GSC screen capture and the original photo are
available on my FTP site at: A2 and Guide/comet_linear_2000 and Guide 70.htm

(in HTML and individual images).

Thanks in advance to anyone who knows the answer.

Clear skies (I haven't seen 'em in weeks).

Roger in Jacksonville, Florida, USA (N 30.2 W 81.4)
Roger Curry
Jacksonville, Florida
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