cspratt@islandnet.com Jul 5, 2001
--- In guide-user@y..., "Patrick J. Madden" <RevPJMadden@c...> wrote:
> Hello Guide Users!
> A few weeks ago I succeeded in observing that asteroid that came
> close--I believe it was 1990KW. I used that file that Bill
posted. Now I
> read in Astronomy magazine that in August another asteroid, 1990SB,
is going
> to be fairly close. Where do I go to get orbital information for
> asteroid, and how to I add it to Guide7? Thanks to anyone who can
> Also, I just thought of a feature that might be nice to have on
> Suppose one succeeds in finding one of these faint asteroids using
> (that's the only way I'll ever get them!) It would be nice to have
> option on the Telescope Control menu, "Track Object." A user could
> right-click on an object, then Guide would know to make the
telescope follow
> it, even if its rate was significantly different from the sidereal
rate. Is
> this doable, or just a pipe dream?
> Clear skies to all! And as always, thanks to Bill for the best
> at the most reasonable price!
> Pat Madden