WCS keywords in header

Bill J. Gray Jul 3, 2001

Hi Chris,

It's possible that this 'nameless' program fooled around with BZERO in
a really nonstandard way, as Bob Elliott suggested. However, this
doesn't seem to be the problem it once was; it's been a long time since
I've seen an image where the offset had to be changed for that reason.

More probable, I'd expect, would be that the added WCS info includes
a position ("OBJCTRA" and "OBJCTDEC") in a non-standard format, and
Charon is looking at that data and deciding to look for matching stars
in an erroneous location. Take a look at the coordinates Charon spews
forth while doing the matching. If it's in a totally wrong part of the
sky, you know what's going on.

It may be a good idea to e-mail me an example image or two. I can
then examine the FITS header and diagnose the problem with relative ease
(and possibly revise Charon to understand the oddities of that header,
thereby sparing others similar troubles.)

-- Bill