Owen Brazell Jun 24, 2001
>Hi folks,
> A long message here regarding GSC-2.2 access, outlines for
>Barnard Dark Nebulae, updated notes from Steve Coe, and display
>of Sky Commander alignment stars. In order:
> Looks as if GSC-2.2 access is working as long as you grab the
>updated GSC22.ZIP file from the Web site... which is about as I
>expected; I've updated the instructions, which are still at
> to reflect all this. (I've also added some comments about
>astrometric accuracy and fixing the missing toolbar button.)
> Tonight, I've posted an updated GSC22.ZIP, for several reasons.
>The existing one didn't let you reset the color of the ellipses,
>and had no labelling option. (The new version labels with the
>magnitudes. GSC-2.2 has a numbering system, but it's almost
>ludicrously awkward.) Also, Giuliano Pinto has translated the
>GSC-2.2 info into Italian, so you'll see comments in that language
>when you switch Guide to Italian.
> These are described and available at
> Bertrand Laville has used Guide's overlay system to put together
>outlines of most of the prominent BDN objects, so they are shown
>with actual shapes instead of as boxes.
> Steve has kindly sent me a floppy with an updated version of his
>notes, including a couple of additional constellations and a slew
>of additional objects. If you download this file (about 220 KBytes):
> and unZIP it in your Guide directory, you'll be brought up to
>date. (And the missing constellation of Scutum, mentioned by John
>Malcomson, will be fixed. My mistake; in COE.DAT, I used the
>abbreviation "Scu", instead of the correct "Sct". <groan>)
> Carina is still missing because there is no Carina file. I
>still want to add more observation databases; maybe we can turn
>up a Southern Hemisphere denizen willing to have observation data
>shared in this manner.
> Bill Anderson has provided the files needed to display the 39 stars
>the Sky Commander can use for alignment. Details and files are at:
>-- Bill
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