Re: [guide-user] GSC-2.2 failures

Owen Brazell Jun 24, 2001

With these instructions it seems to work OK. I have a screen covered with
small green ellipses !

At 17:58 23/06/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi folks,
> So far, I've had one reply saying "the GSC-2.2 feature works just
>fine" and two saying "no, it doesn't." More replies may help me figure
>this one out.
> To get it to work, you should get _both_ the Guide 7 update software
>I mentioned originally (if you click on "Help... About Guide" and get
>the message "You are running the 20 June 2001 version", you're all set),
>plus the file I added a day or two later:
> If, despite these, you're still not getting GSC-2.2 data, check
>some of the following:
> (1) GSC22.EXE grabs the data and stores the raw bytes in a file called
>TEMP.DAT. Do you have that file? It's a text file; does it contain
>meaningful data?
> (2) GSC22.EXE next takes the data from TEMP.DAT and reformats it,
>appending it to GSC22.DAT. (It has to do this because the raw data from
>the STScI server is in a somewhat odd format, as astronomical datasets
>go.) Does GSC22.DAT look reasonable?
> (3) Take a look at "Extras... Toggle User-Added Datasets". The dataset
>"GSC-2.2 data (as ellipses)" should be turned on (asterisk next to it).
>The dataset "GSC-2.2 data (as stars)" shouldn't be on by default.
> (4) GSC22.EXE is a Windows console app, which unfortunately means it
>can crash without anyone ever seeing an error message. To duck around
>this, go to a DOS prompt, change to the Guide directory, and try
>running GSC22. Do it that way, and you _will_ see an error message.
>(If it works properly, you'll get a statement describing the command
>line arguments it usually accepts.)
> (5) A final warning: Don't click the '22' button unless you're zoomed
>in to a field of a few arcminutes (smaller than that near the Milky Way,
>larger far away from it). GSC-2.2 is a _very_ detailed dataset.
> Somewhere in the above, we ought to find some sort of answer... please
>let me know what you find!
>Thanks! -- Bill
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