Re: [guide-user] ngc 6199 and others

Owen Brazell Jun 23, 2001

All charting programs use the same basic data sets so incorrectly
poistioned data is no surprise. There has been quite an industry in
correcting the positions and in Guide 8 Bill is using a new version of the
NGC by Wolfgang Steinke which will correct a lot of these errors.

As for DSS images save them as FITS files and then you can display them in

At 12:13 10/06/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi everybody,
>I have two questions :
>- In Sky and Telescope,I recently read the deep-sky notebook by Ken
>Hewitt-White (June 2001 p 117).
>He noticed a non existing galaxy NGC 6199 (Her)in the Millenium Star
>Atlas and another galaxy NGC 6197 at the wrong place.
>I found both of them with Guide and I saw the same mistake ; is it
>possible to correct this (the NGC 2000 file is on the CD ROM) ?
>- I got DSS images on line and I saved them on my Hard Drive Disk (GIF
>files); I would like to know if it is possible to get them in Guide ?
>PS : excuse my poor English...
>Jacques Montier
>48° N
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