Owen Brazell Jun 23, 2001
>Hi everybody,
>I have two questions :
>- In Sky and Telescope,I recently read the deep-sky notebook by Ken
>Hewitt-White (June 2001 p 117).
>He noticed a non existing galaxy NGC 6199 (Her)in the Millenium Star
>Atlas and another galaxy NGC 6197 at the wrong place.
>I found both of them with Guide and I saw the same mistake ; is it
>possible to correct this (the NGC 2000 file is on the CD ROM) ?
>- I got DSS images on line and I saved them on my Hard Drive Disk (GIF
>files); I would like to know if it is possible to get them in Guide ?
>PS : excuse my poor English...
>Jacques Montier
>48° N
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