Re: [guide-user] Historic Eclipses

Laren Dart Jun 19, 2001

At 08:10 AM 6/19/01 +0200, you wrote:
>> Reply to : Laren Dart
>> but there just isn't enough information. Would you see if it's in
>> Stephenson's book?
>> Thanks, Larry <<
>> No it isn't. In AD 600 there were three partial eclipses (none total) and
>> in 600 BC there was a total eclipse, but over the Pacific area. (My source
>> for those is another planetarium program)
>Th.v.Oppolzer's book "Canon der Finsternisse" agrees with this: three
>partial eclipses in AD 600, and one total eclipse over the Pacific in
>600 BC = -599
>Paul Schlyter, Swedish Amateur Astronomer's Society (SAAF)

Thanks, Paul, I didn't know you were a Guide user, too.

Well, I guess this particular eclipse didn't really happen. I can't
remember for sure who mentioned it, but I do remember it was someone who
was doing programming for one of the astronomy SW publishers. We were
talking on the phone about the difficulty of finding enough really solid
eclipses to curve fit. Otherwise, I would have forgotten it long ago. So,
scratch another one! :-)

Thanks again,