Hi Bill and Guides,
Bill, as you will remember, I have for some time been looking into the
possibility of showing JUST PHA's in Guide.
With your help I got some of the way. However, having been in touch with
Gareth at the Minor Planet Centre, I have found a data file for just
these objects. There are 2 files..
They can be found in the MPC FTP directory..
I've used both of these files in ADD MPC asteroids and comets, in Guide.
Then I altered the Guide.dat file to include
It seemed to work just fine when I turned asteroids ON
However, and this is where I need help.. There are only some 263
asteroids in the file, and yet when I look at the Near Earth Object
Program list at..
I find there are 310 PHA's !!!
I asked Gareth about it and he says that their list is correct, the
other asteroids have been lost.
Fine.. I can accept that.. However, the data does not match up !!
When I look at Guide with the new Guide.dat, I find at least one
asteroid showing that is NOT on PHA.dat or on the NEOP Page.
2000 BB16
Sorry this is so long, but I don't want to fail at the last fence.
Can someone explain to me.. am I missing something ? Or do I have this
totally wrong ?
Any help would be appreciated.
Best Regards
Alan Cahill