Re: [guide-user] Updates on Web site/GSC 2.2

Owen Brazell Jun 5, 2001

I am not sure if the observing notes option is working properly. I
downloaded the new version of Guide which fixed all my asteroid and comet
problems, for which thanks.

I then downloaded the files for Orion, Gemini and Andromeda from Steve
Coe's site into the Guide 7 directory and tried to bring up NGC2392. The
more info contained the usual information but nothing new. This appeared to
happen at all the field sizes I tried and a number of other objects.

At 17:34 05/06/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi folks,
> I just made a few new additions to the Web site, accessible and
>documented in more detail, as usual, by going to...
> ...and clicking on "History". A quick overview:
> I've just posted updated Guide software to the Web site. The main
>reason for this was the avalanche of bugs uncovered in the 'install
>to hard drive' feature; all of them, right up to the recently
>reported comet bug, appear to be fixed now. (I was not especially
>surprised that such bugs cropped up. It was a major change to
>Guide's innards, and when you change lots of code, bugs happen.
>I'm sort of hoping to get them all tracked down and fixed, so that
>when the two-CD Guide 8 comes out, there are no surprises.)
> In addition to this, there are a couple of small improvements
>involving display of "notes" data from observations of deep-sky
>objects made by Steve Coe, plus a somewhat experimental capability
>to set your viewpoint to be from a comet, asteroid, natural or
>artificial satellite, or probe such as Pioneer 10.
> Also, Jean-Noel Moreau sent documentation in French for the
>Find_Orb orbit determination software, plus an update to the text
>file allowing that program to run in French.
> Also, Giuliano Pinto sent the user-added dataset info needed to
>display the "Dunlop 100" catalog of prominent Southern Hemisphere
>deep-sky objects (see pp. 112-115 of the June 2001 _Sky & Tel_ for
>details on this catalog.)
> Owen, re GSC 2.2: this should indeed prove tremendously useful,
>someday. I am trying to put blinders on myself to focus on the (really
>not very numerous) things to be done to get Guide 8.0 shipping; I
>should not have allowed myself to be distracted by the "viewpoints"
>function mentioned above. But this does tempt me; the catalog
>is accessible via Internet, much as DSS is and as I've long wished
>some other catalogs were... I may waste a few hours working on this.
>-- Bill
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