Movie frames...?

Laren Dart Jun 5, 2001

Hi, Bill,

I find the following at, but don't find this function on

"(30 Nov 2000) Function to simplify movie-making: The "Settings... Toolbar"
dialog now offers, near the end of the list of available buttons, a new
function: "Add a Movie Frame .BMP"."

I'm using G7, and have tried to d/l all the updates, but must have missed
something...? It isn't vital, but my two primary interests in astronomy
now are delta_T and ancient eclipses, and I just thought it might be fun to
try this with a few.

BTW, I've used a lot of astro software over the years, and even though I've
only had Guide for about a year, it boggles my mind at what it can do. I
think the words someone else used here were "almost scary!" >;->

TIA, Laren
photography, short stories