corrupt astnames.dat ? and how to fix. May 27, 2001
Hello guides,
This morning I was making some finder charts for asteroid 5597
and noticed the name changed from 1990SB to 1990RE6 when I switched
MPCORD on (and ignored it).
Now I see on the MPC file for closest approaches next year an entry
for 4460 Nereus. So 4460 and Nerewus will be the correct combination.
When I use the Goto Asteroid for 4660 a goto Roddenberry, but after
swichting off "use MPCORD" it changes to Nereus.
What probably has something to do with this; is that and old version
of astnames.dat has one entry for 719 Albert and my latest version
two (an extra 15.8 720 Albert). I did a fresh Unzip of
but nothing changed.
So: am I the only one with this problem, and what can I do about it ?
Removing the extra line in Excel doesn't work because it cannot load
the complete file. Any Advice ?
Clear skies.
Here in Holland it turned cloudy yesterday evening and the chance to
get a shot at 1999 KW4 seem to be gone. Ggrrrr.