At 11:20 2001-05-22 -0000, mark wrote:
>hi Bill,
>It'd be really nice to be able to customize the hot keys. For
>example, I am not aware of any laptop which does not require a shift
>key to do an asterisk (to zoom in). Particulary at scope-side, it'd
>be nice to be able to set that to a one-keystoke key.
Mark: You can do this already by using the number keys on your keypad.
They are set at fixed levels when you start up but if you go to the extras
menu and click on the levels box. This will turn off the fixed level set
and you can then define your own set of levels for each number keystroke.
Do this by going to the settings menu after selecting a number key and you
will find an option to set that particular level to what ever you want.
For instance I have one level set that matches my CCD frame to the screen.
After you get the levels set the way you want, go back to the extras menu
and set the fixed level back again and you will have customized your number
keys to your liking.
I hope this helps.
Bob Elliott