R: [guide-user] Re: Hard Drive Install

Andrea Pelloni May 20, 2001

I have been able to install GUIDE7 in the same way. Everything is OK.

Andrea Pelloni
157 Frasso Sabino

----- Original Message -----
From: Masaki Kouda <fp6m-kud@...>
To: <guide-user@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2001 2:22 PM
Subject: [guide-user] Re: Hard Drive Install

> Hi Berthold
> 1. Run the Guide7 with CD-ROM.
> 2. Click "herd drive install" option. New listbox will be display.
> 3. Double-click your favorite items to select. Then * mark will be
> 4. When you finish to select your favorite itesm, click OK.
> Then Guide will install files to Guide7 directory.
> If your problem is different with me, I'm sorry.
> Masaki Kouda