Sirius, Vega, Alpha Cen, etc...
Masaki Kouda May 18, 2001
Hi Bill.
I downloaded new and tested.
"Tycho-2" item installed LG_TYCHO.LMP. It works good.
I hope you add to install "NGC2000.DAT" on minimam install.
Big bug !
Using May.13 version, Guide does not show some stars,
Sirius, Vega, Capella, Alpha Cen, xi UMa
even using CD-ROM. Mini version also.
Othse Question.
"Minimam install" installs "sm_tycho.lmp" in "HIPP" directory,
and "var_type.dat" in "VARIABLE" directory.
But Guide7 directory has same file already.
Does Guide need both?
Masaki Kouda