Updates, fixes

Bill J. Gray May 15, 2001

Hi folks,

I've gotten a few replies via private e-mail, with some successes
and failures, and I think most of the problems are now found and fixed.

If you've already downloaded GUIDE7B.ZIP and found that the "install
to hard drive" function failed (either crashed or just didn't copy over
anything), then just download this (recently revised) file:


and unZIP it in your Guide directory.

If, after using this file, you _still_ find problems, then let me
know. But things are looking pretty good in this regard, and I expect
to move this to the regular "updated software" page soon. (When I do,
some fixes to a few other small bugs, such as the corrupted "legend"
dialog that Kevin mentioned, will be included.)

Pat Hughes mentioned not seeing focus control buttons. Anyone else
have that problem? How about the 'rotate screen' buttons?

-- Bill