Truman P Kohman May 12, 2001
On May 11 Robert J. Modic <rjmodic@...> wrote:
> A suggestion for a future version of Guide: I'd like to
> be able to delete individual trails (and DSS images too).
> Currently, all trails (and images) must be deleted
> together.
Right clicking on a trail brings up a panel "Planet trails from
animation". Left click on "Delete", and that trail only will be deleted.
Truman P. Kohman, Departments Chemistry and Physics
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA
Phone: 412/268-8865, 412/561-8343 Fax: 412/681-0648
Internet - ASCII messages and documents: tk11+@...
For images and coded attachments: tpkohman@...