Re: [guide-user] Plotting trails in Guide

Owen Brazell May 12, 2001

As for deleteing images the following works for realSky images and may work
for DSS images too. Bill sent this out some time ago.

Hi Owen,

Yes, I do expect to add something resembling this... especially
because the new "Display" button, shown when you right-click on most
objects, will make it easier to add it in a user-friendly way. The
idea is that you could right-click on the image, click "Display",
and get a box where you could adjust contrast, rename the image,
delete it, and so forth.

Right now, the best you can do is to right-click the image and
select "OK". Then hit Shift-F8, and you'll be prompted to "Enter
filename:" Type 'del' (as in the three letters, not the Delete
key!) and hit Enter.

I actually added this a while ago, expecting that I'd add a
good UI shortly afterward. Then I got distracted (as happens all
too often, I admit!)

This was basically an extension of code I'd added earlier to adjust
contrast/brightness, as described at

At 12:58 12/05/2001 +0930, you wrote:
>>When creating a trail in Guide, I'd like to be able
>>to place date labels near the tick marks.
>You can do it with Guide's text label overlay but it's
>clumsy. I do my labelling with an image editor too.
>>Also, I've noticed an odd problem with trails. After
>>creating a trail, if I zoom in on it, the trail becomes
>>bent at a sharp angle.
>I've seen this too. My guess is that exact positions are
>calculated for each "step time", and then Guide simply draws
>a straight line from step to step. Under some conditions the
>line may fall outside your field of view. It would look
>nicer with a spline routine to draw the line, but they take
>much longer to compute, and then Guide has to keep track
>[pun intended] of all the in-between bits.
>Workaround: set the step size to something much smaller than
>your tick interval. For example I do comet trails with a
>daily tick but with a step size of 2 or 4 hours. Or in the
>case of distant objects, a tick every 10 days and a daily
>step size. Effectively this is what a spline fit does
>Of course you can exaggerate this problem by fiddling the
>settings. Try Mars with a step size of 30 days...
>>A suggestion for a future version of Guide: I'd like to
>>be able to delete individual trails (and DSS images too).
>I second that!
>Fraser Farrell
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