[guide-user] Re: Astronomical attention

Owen Brazell Jan 9, 2000

It is there Jost. It was put up on the 29th Dec. Check in the extras area.

At 23:19 08/01/2000 +0100, you wrote:
>Hallo Andre, am 08.01.00 meintest Du in /guide-user
>> May I suggest users refrain from making too many requests or spend
>> more time seeking their own answer; to wit, most times Bill's
>> answers indicate the solution is already present in guide in some
>> menu or other.
>This is also, why I founded this mailing list. Not only Bill can answer
>the questions, but also the users of this list. And this has happened also
>in past! But thanks to Bill for his good support of the questions.
>BTW, Bill, did you receive my new IMO TDF in 1999 Dec? I didn't find them
>on the site some days ago.
>Jost Jahn, Bodenteich, FAX: 0581-31165
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