At 02:50 2001-04-24 -0000, you wrote:
>Once again thanks for your help. This works, however, reading the CD
>is very, very, very, slow and I gave up after 15 minutes when only
>15% had been reached. I'm using 166 Pentium and DOS/Win 95. Again any
>ideas? Or is this a "fact of life" just too slow to use.
That is very strange! I run Charon and Guide on a 66 Mhz 486 machine
running windows 3.1 and the reading of the disk takes only a few seconds
with a 4X cd drive.
A few more questions/suggestions:
How big of a Search Distance do you have set? I just tried a search
distance of 2.5 degrees and it read in 9785 stars in about 4 seconds. My
search distance is usually set at 0.25 degrees and the time is less than
one second.
What "Mag limit" do you have set? Don't set this any higher than you need
to tag all of the stars on your image.
Do you have any other programs running in the background that could be
using CPU cycles? One advantage with Win 3.1 is that only one program can
be running at a time.