Re: [guide-user] real-time displays

Randy Adams Apr 24, 2001

It took me a while to figure this one out also! Just click on the
animation dialogue, and then click on Real Time. It will ask you how often
you want to update. I then, personally, click on the horizon to keep the
view centered there, but you can use whatever option you would like at this
Hope this helps,
Randy A

At 02:12 PM 4/24/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>When Guide is first started, everything is accurately positioned. If
>you check altitudes etc a few minutes later, all info is listed as for
>the start-up time - not the current time. I frequently find that the
>display is considerably out unless I frequently change the time display.
>It is possible to have the display updated automatically - only if you
>select a star and use the animate menu.
>Has anyone discovered any obvious setting that forces automatic update
>of the display every so often, so that I can ensure that what is
>displayed is accurate. I have been using Guide since v2, but have
>always had this problem. Most comparable programs automatically update
>the display.
>Lawrence Harris
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