At 02:03 2001-04-23 -0000, you wrote:
>I have two CD-Roms drives in my computer drives E and F. How do I tell
>Charon that the USNO-A2.0 catalog CD is in F ? The CD for Guide7 is in
>I can't find an "INI" file for this that I can modify. Is there one?
>If so where is it? Is this possible anyway?
Are you using the USNO A2 stars in Guide? If so then you have added a line
in the Guide.dat file like the one below. If not go to the guide.dat file
and add the following line:
A2_PATH=15.0;f:\ This tells both guide and charon to look for the A2.0 cd
on drive f.
The 15.0 is the magnitude where the software starts looking for USNO A2.0
stars in Guide. You can set it to any value you want. A little
experimentation will give you the density of stars you want Guide to use.
Charon will look at this path for its stars also if you have selected the
USNO A2.0 option in the charon startup menu. It will read Match to GSC-ACT
if you haven't changed it. Hit the enter key until it toggles through all
of the choices and you will find on that reads "Match to A2.0"
That should get you started and charon will ask you to insert the correct
cd in drive f.
Bob Elliott
750 Hobbs Observatory
Fall Creek, Wisconsin