Re: [guide-user] Adjusting visible magnitude of comets

Bob Elliott Apr 18, 2001

At 08:30 2001-04-18 -0400, Roger wrote:
>Greetings, fellow observers.
>Last night was my first opportunity to observe comet Linear 01 A2 under
>good sky conditions. I was very pleased!


>Is there a way to edit the orbital elements for this comet so that Guide
>will give a closer approximation of its actual visible magnitude?

Roger go into the extras menu in guide and select "edit comet data".

select LINEAR 2001 A2.

change the absolute Magnitude (H) value to H-5 .

that should make the value closer to what you are observing. But note what
has been said about the outburst. You can always change the value back to
its original value later or load in an updated set of comet orbital
elements from the MPC

Bob Elliott
750 Hobbs Observatory