[guide-user] Digest Number 198

Richard Mallett Mar 19, 2001

Reply to : Truman P. Kohman

>> Non-English-speaking Guide Users,
I have no objection to your posting in a familiar non-English
language (French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portugese). However, it is
annoying to have your message cluttered up by =E8, =E9, =E0, etc., as in
the above Subject, where you use non-ASCII characters peculiar to your own
language. <<

I do not see any =E8 or =E9 in the subject line. Probleme is spelt with
a grave accent over the first 'e'. Details is spelt with an acute accent
over the 'e'. Planetes is spelt with a grave accent over the first 'e'.
May I respectfully suggest that you may be using the wrong character set
and/or language code to enable you to read these perfectly standard high
ASCII values ?

If I press down the alt key on my keyboard, and type 0232 on the
numeric keypad, then release the alt key, I get 'e' with a grave accent, as
shown after this colon : è

If I press down the alt key on my keyboard, and type 0233 on the
numeric keypad, then release the alt key, I get 'e' with an acute accent,
as shown after this colon : é

What do you get ?


E-mail from: Richard Mallett, 19-Mar-2001