RE: [guide-user] Problème sur les détails des p lanètes

Antonio Alves Mar 19, 2001

I am also a multilingual Latin related languages reader, but of course with more difficulty to write.

I don’t see also a real need for normal legibility in the so named accented (or special) characters in the normal technical communication.

Antonio  (António)


-----Mensagem original-----
De: Jan van Gijsen [mailto:j.van.gijsen@...]
Enviada: segunda-feira, 19 de Março de 2001 18:50
Assunto: Re: [guide-user] Problème sur les détails des planètes


even my outlook Express doen't seem to have any problem with french,



----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----

James Ellis


Verzonden: maandag 19 maart 2001 13:08

Onderwerp: Re: [guide-user] Problème sur les détails des planètes


I use Eudora 5 (sponsored mode) and have no problems either.

You may need some language extensions off your BlueScreen 98 etc CD
possibly?? I don't know...

My old PC kept on defaulting to some Scandinavian text for a while. Really
bugged me...
So I wiped it and did a reinstall, only thing that worked.


At 03:12 PM 19/03/01 +1100, you wrote:

>Don't know what email software you are using but my Netscape
>Communicator displays the french with all it's accents.
>Kevin Cooper
>Truman P Kohman wrote:
> >
> > Non-English-speaking Guide Users,
> >      I have no objection to your posting
in a familiar non-English
> > language (French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portugese).  However,
> > is
> > annoying to have your message cluttered up by =E8, =E9, =E0,
etc., as
> > in
> > the above Subject, where you use non-ASCII characters peculiar to
> > own language.

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