Re: [guide-user] Problème sur les détails des planètes

Kevin Cooper Mar 18, 2001

Don't know what email software you are using but my Netscape
Communicator displays the french with all it's accents.

Kevin Cooper

Truman P Kohman wrote:
> Non-English-speaking Guide Users,
> I have no objection to your posting in a familiar non-English
> language (French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portugese). However, it
> is
> annoying to have your message cluttered up by =E8, =E9, =E0, etc., as
> in
> the above Subject, where you use non-ASCII characters peculiar to your
> own language. Could you use only ASCII characters, by using a simple
> letter followed by a symbol for the embellishment? For example, in
> French one could use e' for an acute-accented e, e^ for a
> grave-accented
> e, c_ for a c with cedilla, etc. In German one could substitute for
> an
> umlauted vowel a", o", or u". In Spanish one could use n~ for an n
> with
> tilde, and an inverted ! or ? could be doubled. Other such symbols
> could be invented and would be easily understood.
> Thanks, Truman
> Truman P. Kohman, Departments Chemistry and Physics
> Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA
> Phone: 412/268-8865, 412/561-8343 Fax: 412/681-0648
> Internet: tk11+@...
> For images and coded attachments: tpkohman@...
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