Re: [guide-user] Problème sur les détails des planètes

Truman P Kohman Mar 18, 2001

Non-English-speaking Guide Users,
I have no objection to your posting in a familiar non-English
language (French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portugese). However, it is
annoying to have your message cluttered up by =E8, =E9, =E0, etc., as in
the above Subject, where you use non-ASCII characters peculiar to your
own language. Could you use only ASCII characters, by using a simple
letter followed by a symbol for the embellishment? For example, in
French one could use e' for an acute-accented e, e^ for a grave-accented
e, c_ for a c with cedilla, etc. In German one could substitute for an
umlauted vowel a", o", or u". In Spanish one could use n~ for an n with
tilde, and an inverted ! or ? could be doubled. Other such symbols
could be invented and would be easily understood.
Thanks, Truman

Truman P. Kohman, Departments Chemistry and Physics
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA
Phone: 412/268-8865, 412/561-8343 Fax: 412/681-0648
Internet: tk11+@...
For images and coded attachments: tpkohman@...