Re: [guide-user] My Copy of Guide 9

Joaquin Tapioles Dec 18, 2018


You can usually make a copy of the guide9 folder on your hard drive to a usb memory and put it on another pc or hard drive and it can work, at least that happened in Windos XP.

El mar., 18 dic. 2018 21:47, stonedoffmyass@... [guide-user] <> escribió:

I have not tried to install the program to the harddrive . 

Have the "putting guide onto a hard drive" steps here from the site.
I want to do a full install,  I have had the Clementine CD #15 loaded in the program and dont want to lose that.

The NSSDCA told me this AM that no more Clementine CD's available.

Not sure how I would salvage or copy that over without #15.

Now that once again my Comets are displaying correctly and my other "changes" . Don't want to try until I am sure I have the skills. I love and use the program but am not a tech guy.

I would like very much to put GUIDE9 on a USB stick . Very slick.