Re: [guide-user] Re: how do i install update from guide 9 to 9.1 ?

SCOTT KRANZ Jun 26, 2018

Does this current version have Jupiter moon events beyond December 31, 2019? Set your date ahead to late December 2019, right click on Jupiter, [more info], and see if it displays any Galilean moon events after December 31, 2019.

-Scott Kranz

On June 26, 2018 at 11:38 AM "kunsitis@... [guide-user]" <> wrote:



That is what I see also.  I see Charon labelled as C and the remaining moons are labelled P2 (Nix), P3 (Hydra), P4 (Kerberos), and P5 (Styx).

By the way, if you see Guide 9.1 in the upper left corner of the Guide window and see 9.1 in the version list under the Help / About Guide window, you have Guide 9.1.  The current version is 10 July 2017.
Tom Kunsitis - Richmond, Virginia USA