Re: [guide-user] Running from the hard drive

B. Hudgens Mar 6, 2001


I too recently got the Kernal32.dll error, but have been running off the
hard drive for years.
Tried backing out all of the recently added files, etc. but no luck.
Finally had to wipe the Guide7 folder clean and reinstall from the CD. I
did not have to delete any of the guide_cd folder files that had been fully
installed on the hdd.

All is ok now, but I am still trying to figure what caused the program to
abort when trying to start.
I am currently running the latest Jan update to Guide7.

Ben Hudgens

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Mallett" <100114.573@...>
To: <Blind.Copy.Receiver@...>
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 2:53 PM
Subject: [guide-user] Running from the hard drive

> I tried to follow the instructions on the Web site for running the .bat
> file to copy the minimum files onto the hard disk and to edit line 18
> of startup.mar to point to the guide_cd directory on the hard disk. That
> went fine, but as soon as I started up Guide (version 7) it immediately
> gave a Windows fault - I think it was page protection fault - in
> kernl32.dll. Rebooting had no effect, so I changed the line 18 back to
> point to the CDROM. Any ideas ?
> Richard.